i am a honest hacker
we are honest hackerz so beware of us......... this is the most important news


Posted by ENJOY NEW TECHNOLOGY Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Simple Text Formatting

These tags have not changed since HTML 4 

DescriptionExample SyntaxResult
Bolded Text<b>Bolded Text</b>Bolded Text
Italicized Text<i>Italicized Text</i>Italicized Text
Deleted Text<del>Deleted Text</del>Deleted Text
Big Text<big>Big Text</big>Big Text
Small Text<small>Small Text</small>Small Text
Superscript3 x 10<sup>8</sup>3 x 108
HTML Ignore<xmp><b>Text</b></xmp><b>Text</b>
Hyperlink<a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>Google
Email Hyperlink<a href="mailto:mail@mail.com">mail@mail.com</a>mail@mail.com

CSS Text Formatting

These features must be used as arguments of the "style" argument of a "span" or "div" tag surrounding the text.
Attributes may be combined under style="" of the SPAN tag and seperated by a semicolon as such:
<span style="attribute:value;attribute2:value">Text</span>
DescriptionAttribute SyntaxResult
Underlined Texttext-decoration:underlineUnderlined Text
Font Colorcolor:redRed Text
Aligned Texttext-align:left/right/centerText will be aligned to the left, right, or center
Change the Fontfont-family:fontnameText will be in style "fontname"
Font Sizefont-size:200%2x Size Text

Self-closing Tags

Tags that, by definition, contain nothing between the opening and closing tags must self-closewith a space and forward slash:
Images<img src="something.jpg" />
Carriage Return<br />
Horizontal Breaking Line<hr />

Useful Characters

This is a small list of characters that may be useful in the E-logs. For a more complete list, seeCharacter Chart.
Note:All characters are of the format: (ampersand)(charname)(semicolon).
Function Symbolƒƒ
Greek Capital Letter&(Lettername);Δ yields Δ
Greek Lowercase Letter&(lettername);δ yields δ
Arrows↑, ↓, ←, →, ↵, ↔↑, ↓, ←, →, ↵, ↔
For All Symbol∀
Partial Differential∂
"There Exists" Symbol∃
Empty/Null Set∅
Nable Symbol∇
"Element of" Symbol∈
"Not an Element of" Symbol∉
"Contains as Member" Symbol∋
Radical Sign√
"Proportional To" Symbol∝
Infinity Symbol∞
Angle Symbol∠
Integral Symbol∫
"Therefore" Symbol∴
"Similar to" Symbol∼
"Almost Equal to" Symbol≈
"Not Equal to" Symbol≠
"Equivalent to" Symbol≡
"Less-than or Equal to" Symbol≤
"Greather-than or Equal to" Symbol≥
"Vector Product" Symbol⊗
"Perpendicular to" Symbol⊥
"Much Greater Than" Symbol»»
"Much Less Than" Symbol««
Degree Symbol°°
"Plus/Minus Error" Symbol±±
"Letter O with Slash" SymbolØØ
No break space  

How to Create Lists

Unordered list:
uses <ul> and </ul> tags, and each list item must be inside <li> and </li>
<ul> <li>List item</li> <li>Second Iten</li> <li>Third Item</li> <ul> Yields:
  • List item
  • Second Item
  • Third Item
Ordered list:
uses <ol> and </ol> tags, and each list item must be inside <li> and </li>
  1. List item
  2. Second Item
  3. Third Item

How to Create Tables

Simple data tables consist of three parts:
&amp;lt;table&amp;gt;, &amp;lt;tr&amp;gt; and &amp;lt;td&amp;gt;Where all elements are contained within the <table> tags, <tr> tags surround a row, and <td> tags surround a table cell's content. As an example, the code:

honest hackerz
