With the growth of Facebook there has also been growth in other sites that works on the basis of Facebook. These websites and applications makes your facebook experience even more better.
So in the race of these third party sites Docs.com has brought a useful feature that will help you download your Facebook photo albums as a Microsoft office presentation. It means now you don’t need to download Facebook photos from albums manually one by one and make a presentation of that importing it into the Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
Docs facebook Slideshow automatically creates a powerpoint presentation of your selected facebok photo albums and allowys you create and download the Presentation in Office PowerPoint .ppsx file format.
To create the Powerpoint presentation of your Facebook photo album goto Docs.com and choose “Make a photo Slideshow” from the Add a Doc list on the header menu bar.
Now Choose your Photo Album to create PowerPoint presentation of, viewers option if you are sharing on Facebook profile, editors and click the ‘Create’ button.
Now you will be taken to the Download page where you will get Option for Downloading the presentation, deleting and editing the PowerPoint presentation.