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How To Hack Facebook Account

Posted by ENJOY NEW TECHNOLOGY Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Hack Facebook Account | All Chapters

How To Hack Facebook Account | All Chapters

Dear visitors till now we have covered several methods via which you can hack facebook account and will with time we will cover more. For sake of convenience of me all and all I am grouping links of all those facebook hacking chapter in this post and links to all future posts related to facebook hacking will also be added in this post

1. Facebook Vs Facebooz

In year 2008 a tool was released for facebook hacking the tool is known as facebooz(also known as facebook freezer). A lot had been discussed whether the tool is really capable of hacking facebook passwords. Many think its just a joke that a tool can crack facebook passwords. So keeping unnecessary things behind lets try to find out why this works or if it not works they why. The tool is specially targeted to m.facebook.com, yes that’s the mobile version of facebook. By the way facebook claims that the vulnerability is patched but still the tool has been downloaded millions of times from its release that means the claim is just a false excuse. I created a fake facebook account with password “Monkey” and facebooz got no issues cracking it that means the tool works. Then i changed password to “M0n7e1” and the tool failed to guess it that means it failed to work. The thing which can depress you is its speed of operation, by the way it happens due to need of software needing re-authentication grabbing so you need patience.

The final say is that the tool works only on guess-able passwords which can be found on dictionary. So if you are the one who have used facebooz and haven’t found it useful then it might be the case the victim of whom you want to crack password have strong password, the password which can not be found in any dictionary. And for those whose password can be easily guessed are advised to change their passwords to something which can not be guessed easily. So either facebook will win or facebooz just depends on password strength of victim. So keep your passwords strong and be safe. If you don’t know how to create and remember strong passwords following is the tutorial that can help you.

2. Facebook Hacking Tools Compared

Facebook Hacking Tools Compared

I don’t know why but people really getting mad behind facebook cracking softwares. Most of those softwares that claim to break into facebook are just fake pieces of code. The day I posted “Facebook Vs Facebooz” it got so many hits that made me write this another part to facebook hacking tool. Here we will cover some other facebook hacking tools other than facebooz, if you want to read about facebooz please visit this article “Facebook Vs Facebooz”. Here we will compare some other tools than facebooz.

1. Hell And High Water Facebook Cracker:
It another dictionary based hacking tool just as Facebook Freezer or Facebooz. All you have to do is just load password list along with User Id and the software tries until it succeeds and if the victim had kept a strong password like this “m2Fw”9a1)) there’s no way this software can crack it with billions of attempts. Next thing is its damn slow, no doubt it works but your list doesn’t contain the word which is password after millions of attempts you will just scratch your hairs. Our verdict its its awesome if victim is fool and junk if you are fool.
2. F-Cracker Or Facebook Cracker:
I tried to download it from several different resources and every time when i opened it it got caught as mal-ware. I disabled my Anti-Virus and then tried once again it appeared and disappeared in fractions of seconds then I checked open ports using “netstat” command and I found its not any facebook cracker its just a malware to lure you. So next time when you see F-Cracker be sure its malware.

3.Facebook Password Decryptor
The thing that actually works is this software but you’ll need physical access to victim’s computer. This software tries to exploit inbuilt password safe of browser installed on victim’s computer to get password. Note that it works only if the password is stored in browser’s password safe or in any password management utility.
So at last what we can say that dictionary based attack may not work on everyone and the next one needs physical access on victim’s computer, by the way if you had got physical access why you need running a cracking software, better install key-loggers. As per my view is concerned currently no attack is better than shoulder surfing to facebook cracking.

honest hackerz
